However, there are times when you will find that your Windows Firewall is not starting automatically when you boot your Windows up. Are you facing one of such failures? The following tips can be quite useful enough in addressing the issue. The issue can affect any of your devices running on Windows 7, 8 and The Windows Firewall service refuses to start at the initial booting up while it should have been set to autostart by default. While the problem can affect the security of your device and the data therein, it can also affect a host of other related services and functions as well.
For instance, the Printer Sharing functionality on your device needs the Windows Firewall to be working efficiently. You may attempt to start Windows Firewall in such situations; you will invariably end up getting the Error 5 which states that the access is denied to Windows Firewall service. If you check the Windows EventLog, you will find that the date when the issue began affecting your system.
Well, frankly enough — there are no solid reasons that have been found out as of now. One of the possible culprits could be corrupted Windows Update file. In fact, there is no guarantee that the error can affect all of the devices even when they have the same configuration with the same level of the controlled software environment.
Not many of the situations are reported or known. This has more to do with the fact that the issue does not affect your standard functionality ideally. The problem can only be identified when there is some user interaction. So, unless a user uses a particular feature with set dependencies; you may not be able to come to know that the issue does exist. If your Windows Firewall fails to start, you may come across additional issues and error messages like. The Error 5 — Access denied is one of the most commonly encountered specific errors you would come across if your computer is affected with the issue.
Well, the exact causes that result in this error are not known. This can create major issues in attempting to solve the problem or arrive at the fixes. The problem can be caused by an incorrect registry entry, a corrupt Windows Update or even a malware attack. We will thus need to address the issue by trying out different options and check if it resolves the issue in individual cases. Scan your computer for the presence of malware.
EnMiMaquinaFunciona es una comunidad de administradores de sistemas en la que puedes resolver tus problemas y dudas. Toggle navigation EnMiMaquinaFunciona. Firewall de Windows no se inicia, error 5 - como KB, pero el fix no funciona Preguntado el 13 de Junio, Cuando se hizo la pregunta visitas Cuantas visitas ha tenido la pregunta 1 Respuestas Cuantas respuestas ha tenido la pregunta Abierta Estado actual de la pregunta.
Ola Tuvesson Puntos Respondido el 3 de Junio, por Ola Tuvesson Puntos. Deshabilitar ubicaciones de red de Windows Server.
For more information, review the System Event Log. If this is a non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to service-specific error code 5.
My system got virus in the morning and removed the virus now, but the i am unable to start the firewall. Virus is known to cause these issues. Scan your computer from Microsoft Safety Scanner, which helps to get rid of virus, spyware, and malicious software. Note: The Microsoft Safety Scanner expires after 10 days from the date of installation.
Note: Any data files that are infected may only be cleaned by deleting the file entirely, which means there is a potential for data loss. Note : Important this section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry.
However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it.
Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs.